Wow this is GOLD. Thank you so much for sharing your insider info. I feel so taken care of and so inspired! Do you think this would work well for evergreen launches positioned as open/close or do you feel the fact that it was a hard open/hard shut launch that it helped more? I used to do open/close launches but got so tired but they definitely help with demand. So excited to see what else you share with us. Thank you!!

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Great question!! As someone who runs an evergreen funnel 24/7 too, I absolutely think so many of these things can translate. You can build hype into your show up emails and get engagement and micro commitments up top (I’ll talk about those in the next installment!). I also have a crafty way of integrating live bonuses into an evergreen funnel campaign that’s a great combo! I also think live launches can be done with way less stress, too.

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